Quick tip · combitech® system Sheets and accessories
User tip no. 77
The one and two-sided support profile combined with the covering profiles is used to frame metal sheets or thin Plexiglas.
User tip no. 78
Sheets and panels can be stuck to the profiles with the double-sided adhesive tape. This means there is no need for riveting or screwing.
User tip no. 81
There are various ways of cutting sheet metal. We recommend the use of a padsaw, as manual sheet metal shears often leave rounded edges. To prevent the sheet from wobbling when sawing with the padsaw and also to avoid scratches, we recommend wedging the sheet between two wooden panels.
User tip no. 82
Uneven, rough, or even frayed sheet metal edges can very easily be smoothed off with an electric orbital sander. To do so, the sheet is again clamped between two wood panels, whereby the sheet protrudes 2–3 mm from the wood panels.
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User tip no. 83
If you want to bend a metal sheet, clamp it between two wooden panels and allow the part to be bent to stick out. Then clamp the whole thing in a vice and bend the sheet with a batten or a profile until it reaches the required angle.
User tip no. 84
If you want to bend a metal sheet into a round object, round pieces of wood available in different diameters lend themselves to this. Screw your sheet to the round piece of wood. Then turn the round piece of wood evenly with rather high pressure. Make sure you roll it in a straight line. You will end up with a rounded sheet.
User tip no. 85
If you want to bead the end of a metal sheet, clamp it between two wooden panels and allow the part to be bent to stick out. Then clamp the whole thing in a vice and bend the sheet with a batten or a profile by 90°. Then lay the sheet flat on the workbench and hammer the short section of the sheet completely over.
User tip no. 86
If you want to paint your metal sheet use a conventional car spray can. Before spray painting, the sheets must be cleaned and degreased. The best result is obtained by applying the paint in several stages and allowing a drying time of 5 minutes between each stage. This prevents paint runs.
User tip no. 87
Prismatech aluminium profiles make it possible to edge and frame metal sheets in a super flat way or to make spacious sheet metal designs such as boxes. The name Prismatech stands for the elegant, eight-sided shape of the combined pair of profiles. Risks of injury from sharp sheet edges are safely avoided and weak sheets stabilised by the profiles.
User tip no. 88
Multitube aluminium profiles make it possible to frame metal sheets in a very sturdy way, for example ramps for wheel chairs or garden equipment. Sheets can also be framed with Multitube aluminium profiles to make sturdy signs or even spacious sheet metal designs such as flower boxes.
User tip no. 89
Our steel and aluminium perforated sheets round, Ø 4.5 mm, can be assembled into a sturdy unit, e.g. frame, both with the Prismatech and Multitube technology. These are suitable for pinboards or tool boards for clearly storing your tools on the hooks shown above.
User tip no. 90
With the aluminium edge protecting profile you can protect the edges of furniture for example. The profile is stuck or screwed on and protects your furniture. The chamfered edges of the profile give you a homogenous transition.